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    New Patient Info. What to Expect from Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture Sunshine Coast

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

    During your consultation we will help inform and educate you on what to expect from acupuncture and how it will help treat your condition.

    Your Acupuncturist will take a complete history of signs & symptoms that may not seem related to the main complaint, but this information is important in understanding the underlying condition of the body; an imbalance in which may be causing the main complaint to occur

    This will follow with palpation of the patients pulse, Abdomen and other areas of the body, in order to determine further problematic underlying conditions.

    After the diagnostic assessment, certain points on the body will be chosen by the practitioner to treat with very fine Acupuncture needles, or other methods if required. These points are generally on the arms, legs, stomach or back. This stimulation of specific areas aims to harmonise any imbalances internally, allowing for proper healing of your complaints.

    Depending on the condition and what treatment options can help, various other treatment methods such as Moxibustion, Cupping and Massage can be implemented as well.

    Japanese and Chinese Acupuncture is vastly effective at treating most problematic conditions. The treatment style used on the patient depends greatly on their personal preference, the duration of the current complaint and the underlying patterns or conditions present

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    Have all of your questions answered by calling our friendly reception team to chat with our Sunshine Coast Acupuncturists 07 5473 9973 | Mobile/SMS 0437 072 311; or search through the buttons below for more information.

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