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    Skin Disorders

    Acupuncture Sunshine Coast

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

    Skin Disorders and Skin Diseases are the most complex conditions to address with both Western and Chinese Medicine. This is because the Skin can be affected by both Internal and External factors of the body – such as Food (Internally) and Exposure to Irritants (Externally).

    Acupuncture can be effective in reducing the severity of Skin problems by clearing up any underlying imbalances allowing for them to occur.

    Chinese Medicine may help reduce the severity of the following Skin Disorders and Skin Diseases

    • Psoriasis
    • Acne – Hormonal and Environmental
    • Acute and Chronic Eczema
    • Allergic Rashes
    • Dermatitis
    • Psoriatic Arthritis

    Experience has showed that quiet often there is an emotional or food related link to chronic Skin conditions (such as Psoriasis) – a marriage breakdown, stressful events, binges on certain types of foods….If a strong emotional link is found, in addition to Acupuncture, Counselling is also strongly advised.

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    Interested, but still not sure if we can help you?

    Have all of your questions answered by calling our friendly reception team to chat with our Sunshine Coast Acupuncturists 07 5473 9973 | Mobile/SMS 0437 072 311; or search through the buttons below for more information.

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

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