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    Sunshine Coast Acupuncture

    Acupuncture Sunshine Coast Clinic

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

    Our highly trained & dedicated practitioners at BMBS Acupuncture, have for the past 10 years, provided the best quality natural therapy treatment available for people on the Sunshine Coast. We may have the answers to a lot of health problems for those living in Coolum, Maroochydore, Noosa, Buderim, or Mooloolaba.

    While we specialise in Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, we have now extended our services to include Massage, Psychology and Clinical Nutrition to help our clients gain the most benefit in the recovery from all kinds of ill-health. Continual education in their chosen discipline is constantly undertaken by everyone working at BMBS Acupuncture and Natural Therapies in order to stay up to date with all skills and knowledge available

    All members of the BMBS Acupuncture team are both nationally & association-registered, are highly trained & hand hold multiple qualifications; this means all our clients benefit from the training and experience of our highly skilled therapists.

    What is Acupuncture and how does it work?

    The ancient Chinese healing art of Acupuncture has been used for centuries in China, and more recently thoughout the rest of the world, to stimulate various areas or specific points on the body. Our BMBS CoolumAcupuncturists use very fine needles that penetrate the skin to relieve pain or to help treat various illnesses. There are recent studies carried out by both US and International scientists that reveal Acupuncture has a moderate effect in the treatment of pain and nausea.1

    At BMBS Coolum, we use a very gentle Japanese style of Acupuncture. To do this our practitioners have completed a four-year degree in Health Science and Chinese Medicine with a further three years of intensive training in the Japanese style of Acupuncture.

    Our Acupuncture and natural therapy clinic in Coolum, near Maroochydore, Noosa, Buderim, and Mooloolaba offer a professional, friendly environment to help you feel comfortable and relaxed.

    What is Acupuncture most effective for?

    The Japanese Acupuncture styles provided at our Coolum clinic is popular with anyone who has an injection or needle phobia because there are many ways of successfully treating patients without the use of needles. These treatments available at our Coolum clinic include ‘contact needling’ which is used in the Toyohari method, and burning little rice grain-sized pieces of ‘Moxa’ (traditionally dried mugwort) on the skin – this technique is called Moxibustion. Part of our treatments include Cupping if it’s deemed appropriate, or if the client asks for it. These techniques offered at BMBS Coolum are pain-free, specialised and may be very beneficial for those who are suffering from Immune issues, severe fatigue or those who find it hard to switch off.

    What can be treated with Acupuncture?

    There are many ailments and conditions that may be assisted with Acupuncture at our clinic near Noosa . Some of the conditions include:

    • Musculoskeletal pain
    • Fertility, pregnancy and IVF
    • Stress, Anxiety & Sleep problems
    • Hormone imbalances
    • Digestive disorders
    • Immune system issues
    • Women’s health
    • Weight loss/gain

    Our therapists near Noosa are happy to discuss & educate on the possible health benefits of Acupuncture  for any health concern.

    We are dedicated to finding the answer to our patients’ health problems, while easing their symptoms, so they can get on with their everyday lives.

    When can Acupuncture be used?

    Acupuncture is well-known as a generally safe, low-risk treatment and can be used at any time unless there are extreme certain health conditions or circumstances in which it would be advisable to call and discuss whether Acupuncture is appropriate. Our Noosa clinic Acupuncturists are available and happy to discuss the matter; below is a list of conditions where we would normally advise a Free 15 minute Diagnostic Assessment before booking in for Acupuncture:

    • If the patient is prone to infection.
    • If the patient has valvular heart disease.
    • If the immune system is compromised – whether drug-induced or if it is a secondary medical ailment.
    • If the patient is a haemophiliac (prone to bleeding excessively). However if the patient is on a well-managed therapy to help the blood coagulate it might be possible to have Acupuncture although nowhere near important blood vessels or in the spaces near joints.
    • If the patient has a cardiac pacemaker we would recommend the avoidance of electroacupuncture in some areas of the body.
    • If the patient is highly anxious about Acupuncture

    Our Noosa Acupuncturists are available to discuss the benefits and appropriateness of our treatments for various conditions.

    At BMBS Acupuncture we give all our patients the time and attention they deserve. 

    We listen, understand and identify the cause of the pain or discomfort to tailor the treatments to the individual with the aim of delivering the best outcome possible.

    Is Acupuncture dangerous?

    All of the practitioners at all of our BMBS clinic near Buderim are highly trained, experienced and skilled professionals who strictly follow Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines with regard to infection and safety precautions. These guidelines ensure that none of the following adverse outcomes occur:

    • An infection – The NHMRC guidelines state that Acupuncture needles should be disposed of after one use, as happens in all of our BMBS clinics in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. Reused needles, even if sterilised, can cause a localised bacterial infection, Hepatitis, HIV or any other disease caused by contact with blood.
    • An Allergic reaction – Herbs can be just as powerful as prescription medicines and therefore the herbs used in Moxibustion and in other treatments in our BMBS Acupuncture clinics are treated with respect and caution especially if the patient suffers from allergies.
    • Skin injuries – If an Acupuncture needle is inserted clumsily, or into a blood vessel, it can cause pain, bleeding, and bruising. Our BMBS therapists are experts and every treatment is done with the utmost care and attention.
    • Unusual side effects – These can include depression, convulsions, worsened pain or insomnia. It’s vital that the correct points are stimulated in the correct way because Acupuncture can cause significant changes to the nervous system. At BMBS Acupuncture our practitioners are highly trained, so our patients can rest assured that all our protocols are carried out in the correct way, following the NHMRC guidelines.

    At our clinic near Buderim, our team are available to give advice, make appointments or provide as much information as needed about any of the services we offer. All the Acupuncturists and therapists at all BMBS clinics, including our clinic near Buderim, are dedicated to following safety guidelines to ensure a safe environment.

    How often do you need to get Acupuncture?

    Our patients’ needs vary, but generally, before showing any clear, long-lasting and substantial results from a course of Acupuncture, 4-6 treatments are generally advised at our clinic near Buderim. Ongoing, for maintenance and prevention of ill health, patients can have Acupuncture treatments as little as once a month or multiple times a week, depending on the condition being treated.

    Is Acupuncture painful?

    It’s rare that any of our patients complain about Acupuncture ‘hurting’. The only sensations patients at our clinic near Maroochydore have reported to us are a slight, dull ache in the site where the needles were inserted, or a minor tingling feeling as the Acupuncturist inserts the very fine needles.

    Sometimes patients say they feel sensations when needles are inserted in Acupuncture points at the ends of the fingers and toes, but this is usually only felt for an instant, if at all. We urge all our patients to tell the Maroochydore Acupuncturist if any discomfort at all is felt.

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    Highly Trained Team – Accurate Diagnosis – Comprehensive Treatments

    What are the side effects of Acupuncture?

    Side effects from the Acupuncture treatments are seldome reported by patients at our clinic near Maroochydore. Often patients share the positive effects of the treatment such as mental clarity, better sleep and digestion; more energy, and a lowering of stress levels. However, some of the following side effects, though very rare, have sometimes occurred:

    • Symptoms get worse (they get worse before they get better, part of the healing process)
    • Twitching muscles
    • Fatigue
    • Light bruising
    • Soreness
    • Lightheadedness
    • Emotional release

    Our Maroochydore Acupuncturists are happy to talk to patients about any concerns.

    How does Acupuncture work to relieve pain?

    According to traditional Chinese medicine, the basis of Acupuncture is a belief that it’s any disruption or blockage to the flow of energy or ‘qi’ through the body that is the root cause of disease. At our clinic near Mooloolaba, our therapists are well-versed in all aspects of Acupuncture and its history; they know the many meridians or channels in the body through which the qi travels in great detail.

    Our therapists insert ultra-fine needles into the appropriate ‘Acupuncture points’ under the skin to remove the energy blocks and release the qi. Our Acupuncturists near Mooloolaba are more than happy to answer any questions regarding the treatments we offer.

    What do I need to do before Acupuncture?

    Before the first Acupuncture treatment at our clinic near Mooloolaba, we advise patients not to come on an empty stomach. We suggest a light meal or snack at least, though it’s not necessary to have a full meal. This makes sure the body has enough energy to make the most of the Acupuncture treatments we offer near Mooloolaba and also help avoid lightheadedness which can sometimes occur on an empty stomach. Also, we suggest wearing loose clothing as the Acupuncturist might need to access parts of the body like arms, legs, back and stomach.

    To make a booking or for more information about what to expect at any of our BMBS Acupuncture and Natural Therapy Sunshine Coast clinics near Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim, Noosa, or Coolum, call us on the number below:

    Sunshine Coast Acupuncture Clinic

    12 William St,

    Coolum Beach, QLD

    (07) 5471 6267

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