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    Fertility, Infertility and IVF Acupuncture Sunshine Coast

    Acupuncture Sunshine Coast for Pregnancy

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

    Fertility Acupuncture is an option for both males and females at our Sunshine Coast Clinic. If conception isnt happening naturally, and/or IVF hasn’t worked, our trained practitioners may be able to help you & your partner so that you have every chance of conceiving either naturally or through IVF treatments.[1]

    Acupuncture may help the female body to regulate itself naturally if the issue is related to ovulation problems, irregular menstruation or no periods, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and more. Once the imbalanced physiology leading to these issues has support to rebalance itself, women are more likely to conceive.

    Acupuncture for fertility may also be of assistance to men who have been diagnosed as having decreased sperm motility, poor quality sperm, and/or a low sperm count. For more information, contact our Sunshine Coast Clinic.


    Let us help you prepare for pregnancy, help your body adapt to your growing baby & be there for you during the joys and rigours of being a mum.


    Sunshine Coast Pregnancy Acupuncture Before, During and Postnatal

    Acupuncture for pregnancy in our Sunshine Coast Clinic may be helpful no matter which stage you have reached, whether you’re about to try falling pregnant, having difficulties conceiving, or are well on your way in your attempts via IVF.

    When falling pregnant it’s vital that there is the right balance of good nutrition, the correct hormonal response, a healthy blood supply throughout the pelvis to nourish the embryo, and the best physical and emotional environment.

    Once conception has occurred, Pregnancy Acupuncture may also help in the treatment of any of the pregnancy-related health risks so you can sustain a healthy pregnancy.


    Pregnancy Acupuncture in our Sunshine Coast clinic may be of assistance in managing the symptoms associated with:

    • Morning sickness
    • Back pain
    • Breech position of the baby
    • Blood pressure problems
    • Induction of labour
    • Oedema
    • Sleeping problems

    Once your baby makes it safely into the world, you tend to focus all your care and attention on the newborn, with your own health taking second place. But it’s in those first four to six weeks after the birth that you need to also nurture yourself so you are well enough to take good care of the baby. At BMBS Acupuncture Sunshine Coast, our practitioners have personal experience and can help support you to find the balance.

    Postpartum difficulties that could possibly be managed better while receiving Acupuncture include:

    • Postnatal depression
    • Mastitis
    • Insufficient milk and breastfeeding difficulties
    • Back Pain
    • Hip pain
    • Tiredness and Exhaustion
    • Sciatica
    • Urinary Incontinence


    What’s Next?

    If you’re dedicated to working with us to improve your health and wellbeing and you are committed to regaining your good health, BMBS Acupuncture Sunshine Coast is the Acupuncture Clinic for you!

    Call us or send an email to Make a Same-Day Appointment, or even to clarify any questions you might have.


    Sunshine Coast Acupuncture Clinic

    12 William St

    Coolum Beach, QLD

    (07) 5471 6267




    1. Isoyama D. Cordts EB. de Souza van Niewegen AM. de Almeida Pereira de Carvalho W. Matsumura ST. Barbosa CP. Effect of acupuncture on symptoms of anxiety in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: A prospective randomized controlled trial. Acupunct Med. 2012;30(2):85–88. [PubMed]

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